9/30國際翻譯日 感謝有你手語翻譯


Sept 30 is a day set aside to celebrate International Translation Day and WASLI congratulates all interpreters, signed and spoken, conference and community, and all translators dealing with written and signed translation work on this day. Your work is important, not just today, but every day as you strive for for excellent service to our communities.
9月30這天是國際翻譯日 世界手譯協會在這天恭喜所有的翻譯員(手語或口語翻譯,會議翻譯或一般翻譯)以及所有從事筆譯的翻譯員。你們的工作很重要,不只在今天,而是在每天努力的為我們提供最優值的服務。

While the UN is celebrating this day with many organizations, WASLI is proud to be represented by Bill Moody, one of our first IS interpreters accredited by WFD-WASLI.
聯合國與許多組織正在慶祝這個節日,世界手譯協會很榮幸由Bill Moody(第一個由世界聾人協會-世界手譯協會共同認證的第一個國際手語翻譯員)代表來一起慶祝。

Hand wave to all – your work means Deaf Communities have access to all aspects of life and for that, WASLI thanks you for your commitment to professional, exceptional standards.

Debra Russell, on behalf of the Board of Directors.
IS Video: https://youtu.be/Ba7klOCLgjY

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